Saturday 1 September 2012

Day 82 - Fear of Authority


Today's authority im looking at police. I fear the police. There has been many stories of crooked cops and corruption and wrongful arrests. When i drive around town and se a cop car i react with fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the police  respect-my-authority

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when i am driving and see a cop car to react in fear - because I fear I am doing something wrong and they might arrest me even though i am not doing anything wrong

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being wrongfully arrested and taken to prison where I will stay and rot for something I did not do

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that a corrupted cop will arrest me or that a ineffective cop will accidentally shoot me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear authority and to see authority as something final and powerful where I do not have any power

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to read a story of how trigger happy cops shoot on site and do not follow protocol and then try to cover it up and then fear that happening to me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I see the police to bring up all these fears at once and then go into a state of fear and powerlessness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to link the word authority to the feeling of powerless and fear - and when there are people in my life that I deem as being authority I then activate the feeling of being powerless and going into a state of fear

I commit myself to stop my fear of the police

I commit myself to when i see a police car when driving to not react in fear of being arrested of doing something wrong - and to realize that I am not doing anything illegal and thus will not be arrested

I commit myself to stop the fear of being wrongfully arrested and rotting in jail due to corrupted cops or being accidentally  shot by ineffective police

I commit myself to stop fearing  authority and to stop seeing it as having power over me and to believe that I am powerless in the face of authority

I commit myself to stop the fear of being the victim of a cover-up shooting by corrupted cops

I commit myself to realize that i have been taught to fear authority from when i was a kid - I was told to fear god so that I can behave - i was told to fear the principle in school because he has the power to expel me - I was told to respect the authority because if i do not then my will be hell - in other words I must fear the authority. So now i stop this belief and the fear i have of authority

I commit myself to realize that behaving because i fear the consequences does not make me a good person but it makes me deceitful - i do for another what id like to be done for me

I commit myself to no more link authority with fear and feeling powerless - but to instead live my life being consistent  in every situation  and fear authority is useless and only affects me 

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