Thursday 8 November 2012

Day 115 - Human Defense Mechanism


Animals and insects have defensive mechanisms: how-to-prevent-infections-from-animals-2

Chameleons change color, spiders bite, scorpions stings, ducks claw, cats scratch, dogs bite and stick insects....look like sticks. All for survival. Now today we are looking at what happens when humans are attacked -  not physically, but verbally. If someone talks shit about you you go into a reaction and often feel the need to defend yourself. When you take something personally you react and go into defensive mode where you will become angry and act out the anger either physically or verbally.

Why The need to defend oneself when somebody says something about you? Why do i allow the other person to influence me? It should’ not matter what another says about mw, because i know who I am and who im not. There should be no need to defend myself - otherwise I give power to the person over me.

Here follows the steps to clear myself from this point:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to go into defensive mode when someone is saying something about me that i take personally

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to within this defensive mode to attack the person verbally

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give my power away by allowing the other person to influence my behavior by reacting to what they say

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to care what people think of me and in this feel the need to defend myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear others judging me and this i feel the need to defend myself so that others don't believe what the other person is saying about me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to after the event further defend myself with backchat of thoughts in my head where I will see myself as the better person and the other person as very inferior to me walking-stick-insect_745_600x450

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to act on the anger and be directed by this anger by going into defense mode

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to simply not take things personally

I commit myself to not go into defensive mode

I commit myself to stop taking things personally

I commit myself to stop attacking people verbally by stopping the anger and not be directed by it.

I commit myself to be self directed and not allow other to influence who i am

I commit myself to stop the fear of judgement from others

I commit myself to stop the belief that i need to defend myself - instead i realize that it doesn’it matter what other say.

I commit myself to stop the backchat of me seeing myself as superior and better than others

When i face  point where someone is talking shit about me, or says and do something that i will take personally - to stop and breath. I realize that it doesnt matter what others say about me. I direct the point by either walking away or find the reason why the person said what they said WITHOUT reacting in anger.


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