Saturday 25 August 2012

Day 77 - Using Religion to justify this world


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use religion to justify myself and all problem-free of the world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use religion to justify war, poverty slavery and all abuse saying that it is part of gods plan and that cannot change or question gods plan

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to to use religion as a justification and excuse for me not doing anything to change the world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not finding a reason why all the suffering exist in the world - because then it would invalidate my beliefs and proof that my beliefs are not real so i keep on justifying the world no matter what

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that if I have to keep on finding proof and reasons why my belief is real and if i have to keep justifying it then that alone shows me that my beliefs are not real

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that justification is an excuse - that i have never looked back at history to see that religion has been used countless time to justify wars, slavery, torture, mass murders and other abuse in the name of god

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on to this abuse so strongly that i will even justify rape by saying that it is a blessing from god - instead of realizing that it is the evil of man and the world that WE have created

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on on my beliefs so strongly that i cannot see common sense - that if I cannot find a reason for something to exist i would just say that it is part of gods plan just so that i can continue my beliefs - not realizing that If rape, murder, poverty and great suffering is part of gods plan then this is a really evil plan -

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize if i do not question gods plan then i accept gods plan and then I also accept all the suffering and abuse of this world - and in this i will do nothing to change it - i will do nothing to end the suffering and the abuse because i agree with it. And so i am trapped by my religion as the perfect excuse not do anything.

I commit myself to stop justifying my action when i clearly see that what i am doing is not what is best for all beings, but that i am only acting based on self interest .

I commit myself to stop trying to justify the abuse and suffering in the world like war. poverty, rape, slavery etc, and to realize that I am using this to justify my beliefs

I commit myself to stop saying that all the suffering and abuse is part of gods plan and to realize that i am using this as an excuse for me not to have change the world - and to stop agreeing with gods plan by not accepting and allowing this world the way it is - and to instead find ways to end all suffering and abuseproblem

I commit myself to to stop deliberately ignoring common sense - when i see my beliefs don't make sense to not keep on justifying it 

I commit myself to to realize that religion has been used in the past to justify countless suffering and that i am doing the same here now

I commit myself to to stop the fear of letting go of my beliefs and to see the common sense that what i believe on doesn't make sense and holds no real solution to the problems on earth, but instead it gives permission for the problems to continue

I commit myself to stop justifying the unjustifiable and to let go of all beliefs that allow the world to continue the way it does - but to instead se that there is a real problem on earth that must be sorted out and so i dedicate my life to find the solutions to the problems on earth that are permanent


(permanent solution here: - join in with the discussions and add your input on how you would like the world to be instead)

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