Friday, 30 October 2015

Day 325: Is Thinking the big cause of our inner pain?

What if all our personal problems can be traced back to thoughts? What if all that is needed is to stop the thoughts? There is a power in thoughts most of us do not yet realize, especially to what extent we are directed by it.


Day 324: Complaining can be good for you

The thing about complaining is that it’s sooooo easy. Anybody can do it. We have all done it, looked at problems in our lives and complained about it, knowing full well that complaining about something is utterly useless.

So how  then can complaining be good for you?

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Why do we Get Overwhelmed?

We have those moments when things seem to feel like it’s too much. Like we cannot possibly handle it anymore. Why does this happen and where does it come from, how do we create it and is there a
way we can Strop it?

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Solutions for Food waste?

India may be the world’s largest milk producer and grow the second largest quantity of fruits and vegetables (after China), but it is also the world’s biggest waster of food. As a result, fruit and vegetable prices are twice what they would be otherwise, and milk costs 50% more than it should.
What can be a solution for this?

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Day 320: Solitary confinement – The Torture Must End

Solitary confinement does not work. Prison is supposed to be a place to rehabilitate people and get them ready for Life when they are released, but what happens when you confine somebody for decades   and then just release them into the world?

We should have a World based on constructive and supportive methods.  

  • Mother Jones article- children in solitary:

  • Friend’s Service Committee’s fact sheet : The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice

  • AmnestyUSA

  • American Civil Liberties report:
Growing Up Locked Down: Youth in Solitary Confinement in Jails and Prisons across the United States

  • American Friends Service Committee: Stopmax Campaign

Children in Solitary: A 2012 Human Rights Watch report notes: “Youth offenders often spend significant amounts of their time in US prisons isolated from the general prison population. Such segregation can be an attempt to protect vulnerable youth offenders from the general population, to punish infractions of prison rules, or to manage particular categories of prisoners, such as alleged gang members. Youth offenders frequently described their experience in segregation as a profoundly difficult ordeal.”