Saturday 20 December 2014

Why Christmas is a big “Screw you” to Jesus and Christianity - we Failed Him for 2014 years…


Holiday season is not a happy season for me. The roads are clogged with cars making difficult tumblr_static_decorated-christmas-treeto drive around. Many places close for the holiday making it difficult to acquire thing we need, and the internet is slower due to many more people using it ( South Africa is still very behind when it comes to internet).

The shopping centers like to remind us long before December that Christmas is coming by decorating everything with Christmas decorations. And every year I ask myself just what is this all about really? I was taught as a kid that Christmas is a holiday where Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus and where we express gratefulness and thankfulness to him and all that. And Santa? Just something for the kids on the side to create a bit of fun around it. It’s not that at all.

Christianity is all about being good and doing good – loving your neighbor and live as Jesus would and treat others as Jesus would and if the all Christians did this the world would truly be a better a place, but Christmas time shows the hypocrisy around Christianity.

Those Decorations we see every year, who made them? Over 60% of them are made in sweat shops and those laborers suffered. The food we eat and thank Jesus for – most of that from poor people who also suffer to make a living. Christmas is all about profit now – to buy presents and those presents where made more likely than not by very unfortunate people. And then we thank Jesus for it. It is a slap in His face and what He stood for.

We are now in 2014. Which means that for 2014 years since the Birth of Jesus Humanity has not found a way to live even the basic message of Jesus “ Love Thy Neighbor” . We still have the same things on the earth that existed long ago – war, poverty, famine you name it. Most of humanity are Christians – yet still half the world lives in poverty and struggles every day. Christians have failed Jesus.

How many more years will it take for us to live the basic message of Jesus? It’s time we start taking the words we preach and manifest them into action. We have the power to stop the suffering and end poverty – that will be a start. Implementing  Living Income Guaranteed will do that – give those who do not have and who are unable to get the basic needs to live an income to Live would be an act of loving thy neighbor.

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