Sunday, 16 February 2014

Have we reached the limit Of Human Creativity?



creativity_is_boundless_by_pixelnase1 When was the last time you watched a really good movie? Any of them new? It seems that all the new movies that come out are simply the same. The plot is predictable, the same shit happens – there is nothing new. I watch a movie and the same things happen – it is like they use a formula for all movies and stick to it. Has every conceivable plot or plot twist or events or storyline been used already? Did you notice that movies coming out now have the year it was released added to it? Because there are so many movies with the same name that they add the year so that people do not confused, also to show that this is a new movie they have not seen yet.

What about music? The songs on the radio are really substandard compared to the songs of old and 90% of them are all about sex. It is like the music producers realized that they cannot make money off the actual music anymore, so they rely on making the artist appealing to the audiences by using the only method left that works – sexualizing them.

It has become the only way to get attention and get people to listen and buy the music and go to concerts. They try and find ways to get attention by doing very crazy things – the more outrages the more attention they get like for example what Miley is doing right now and the things Lady GAGA did.

Back to my point – are they doing this because they can’t come up with actual good music?

So have we – the human race – come to the limits of creativity? Has every chord progression already been used? No more unique movies to be conjured up from our imagination. Are we doomed to watch the same things over and over and over again? Even TV series rely on explicit sex scenes to get people to watch, because the story line and actors are simply not good enough.

limitations I for one enjoy watching movies and TV series, but unfortunately I have to watch all the old movies and TV series again, because the new shows and movies coming out are simply crap. It is like a gradual decline in quality over the last few years and this actually makes us accept substandard shows and movies. The bar for what is good has dropped to an all-time low.

Please producers, musicians and whomever else writes movies and shows – dig deep and find the creativity and expression and give the world something you can be proud of.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Day 209: How the hell did it get there???


RomeRoadBuilders3 IN a vlog I did a while back I spoke about being grateful for the food on your plate. Not to be confused with being grateful for some powerful higher being providing the food, no, but to have a look at each piece of food on your plate and see how it got there. The whole process from the earth to your plate, the labor involved, the packaging everything. You will start to see it is a massive process to get food to your plate as well as great suffering for the animal that had to die so that we may live.

Another cool experiment is to have a look at how that screen you are staring at came to be in your possession. From drilling for the oil to process it for the plastic to mining for the metals and whatever other materials goes into the thing. What about the road you drive on? Do you know what kind of work goes into building a road? It is a massive project and a lot of labor went into it – people worked hard on that particular road.

Even the building you live in – have a look at the whole structure and see what had to happen for that structure to be built. From digging the trenches for the foundations to melting metal for the nails and tools to put it  all together. Not to mention all the piping and draining systems and the electrical systems. People built that building.

I live on a farm and when we first got here it was not in ideal condition. Over the years we did a lot of Home Buildersfixing, building, planting and what not and it was a lot of work. I look around the farm at each fence pole and see the process that was involved in planting it in the ground, because I did the work. I look at the trees and I see what it took for that tree to be there, I planted it. I look at all the things we did over the years and truly appreciate what we have done, because I know what was involved.

So you cannot truly appreciate the building you live in or the cup that holds your coffee, because you do not understand what was involved in creating it. Once I looked at objects and saw what it took for that thing to get where it is I started to have some appreciation towards these things and the people who made it.

Give it a Go.